Please find a copy of our new price list below.
We have kept the prices as low as possible for as long as we possibly could, but due to the cost of living crisis and inflation we have no option but to put our fees up.
We value your loyalty and hope that we continue to provide you with the highest standard of care.
Reminder: Children who are eligible for flying start and 3 year olds will get will get a further reduction on their fees.
Fees will be increasing as of Monday 3rd of April 2023
Breakfast club - £3.60
Cylch – 9 a.m – 11.30 a.m - £10.50
11 a.m – 11.30 a.m - £3.00
Lunch Time Club 11 a.m -1p.m - £8.00
Meithrin Mwy 11/11.30 a.m – 3 p.m - £12.50
Half Hour Club - £2.25
After School Club - £11.00
Holiday Club
Full Day £29.50
Half Day £18.00
Snacks plant 30 awr £3.00
Prices are subject to review yearly and a price increase every September is imposed.
Welsh only... Cofiwch fe fydd y prisiau uchod yn cael eu gostwng os ydych yn defnyddio Cynning Gofal Plant Cymru.